Updates Early May 2021

By Mary Ann Colston on April 30, 2021

Feedback Request Text Enhancement

Style your feedback requests

The feedback request now supports pasting in formatted content and allows you to style in bold, underlined, italicized or lists. There is also an expand option in the top right to allow for full screen editing. 


Feedback Exports Expanded

Feedback PDF now includes Request Instructions

When exporting a feedback PDF, any feedback request instructions associated with that piece of feedback will appear as well.

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Feedback List and Feedback Request CSV exports 

CSV exports for the feedback lists and feedback request list also now contain an “unformatted instructions” column which will remove formatting tags from the instructions column.

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Job Description Updates

JD Page View Duplicate bullets removed

In some cases, the job description page view had duplicate bullets for the criteria sections. The duplicate bullets have been removed. Bullets will only appear now if they were entered when creating the job description. 

JD List View sort by added

The job description list view now allows you to sort and filter by completion (incomplete or done).. This is especially helpful when adding new job descriptions.

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If you have any questions about these updates, please feel free to reach out to us at support@threadsculture.com